1. OnActivated.
//The primary purpose of the _OnActivated event handler is to handle specific actions or modifications
// that need to occur when a form or control becomes active. This can include tasks such as refreshing data,
[FormEventHandler(formStr(PurchEditLines), FormEventType::Activated)]
public static void PurchEditLines_OnActivated(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormRun formrun = sender; // form formrun.
FormDataSource formdatasource = formrun.dataSource(); // formdatasource
PurchParmTable purchParmTable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
2. OnClosing
// onclosing: the onclosing eventhanlders is triggered while closing the form.
[FormEventHandler(formStr(PurchEditLines), FormEventType::Closing)]
public static void PurchEditLines_OnClosing(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormRun formrun = sender; // form formrun.
FormDataSource formdatasource = formrun.dataSource(); // formdatasource
PurchParmTable purchParmTable = formdatasource.cursor();
//OnInitialized: The OnInitialized event handler is triggered after the form has been fully initialized
//and is ready to be interacted with by the user. At this stage, all form controls have been rendered,
// and data sources and data bindings have been established. The OnInitialized event provides an opportunity to perform additional actions,
//such as populating default values, setting focus on specific controls, or applying any post-initialization logic.
[FormEventHandler(formStr(PurchEditLines), FormEventType::Initialized)]
public static void PurchEditLines_OnInitialized(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormRun formrun = sender; // form formrun.
formrun senderformrun = formrun.caller_RU();
PurchTable purchtable = formrun.args().record(); // calling form active record using args.
4. OnInitializing
//OnInitializing: The OnInitializing event handler is triggered before the form is fully initialized
// and displayed to the user. It is used to perform any necessary setup or modifications on the form
// and its elements before they are rendered on the screen. This event allows you to customize the initial state of the form and its controls.
[FormEventHandler(formStr(PurchEditLines), FormEventType::Initializing)]
public static void PurchEditLines_OnInitializing(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormRun formrun = sender;
FormButtonControl control = formrun.design().controlName('control name');
/// If you want to jump from FormControl, to another Form you can
[FormEventHandler(formStr(PurchEditLines), FormEventType::PostRun)]
public static void PurchEditLines_OnPostRun(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormStringControl control = sender.design().controlName(formControlStr(purcheditlines, ok));
control.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, jumpRef), methodStr(your jumrefclass, jumpRef), sender);
6. OnActivated
// this is a datasource active method.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmUpdate), FormDataSourceEventType::Activated)]
public static void PurchParmUpdate_OnActivated(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
FormControl controlname = formrun.design().controlName('name of the control'); // to get the formcontrl.
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
if (purchparmtable.RecId)
// The primary purpose of the OnCreated event handler is to handle specific actions or modifications that need
// to occur when a new record or object is created. This can include tasks such as initializing default values,
//performing calculations, setting up relationships or dependencies, or any other behavior that should be triggered
//when a new instance is created.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Created)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnCreated(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
purchparmtable.DeliveryName = "default value"; // initilizing some default values to current record
1.Allows customization of the record's initial state before it is saved.
2. Useful for performing validations, setting default values, or modifying the record before it is created.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Creating)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnCreating(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
//The primary purpose of the OnDeleted event handler is to handle specific actions or modifications
// that need to occur when a record or object is deleted. This can include tasks such as updating related records,
// performing clean-up operations, logging deletion details, or any other behavior that should be triggered when a deletion occurs.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Deleted)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnDeleted(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record
if (purchparmtable.PurchId)
warning("since purchi id is available you cant delete the record");
//The primary purpose of the OnDisplayOptionInitialize event handler is to handle specific actions
// or modifications related to the display options of form controls. This can include tasks such as enabling
//or disabling controls, setting their visibility, modifying their labels, or any other behavior
// that should be applied during the initialization of the form.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::DisplayOptionInitialize)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnDisplayOptionInitialize(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record
FormControl controlname = formrun.design().controlName('name of the control'); // to get the formcontrl.
if (purchparmtable.PurchId)
// The OnInitilize event handler at the datasource level is particularly useful
//when you need to customize or set up the initial state of the datasource and its related elements,
//such as fields or relations. It allows you to perform actions that should occur during the initialization phase of the datasource,
//ensuring that the datasource is prepared and ready for data operations.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Initialized)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnInitialized(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
purchparmtable.PurchName ="";
//The primary purpose of the OnInitValue event handler at the datasource level is to handle
// specific actions or modifications that need to occur when a field's value is being initialized.
//This can include tasks such as setting default values, performing calculations based on other field values,
// or any other behavior that should be triggered during the value initialization process.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::InitValue)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnInitValue(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
purchparmtable.PurchName ="";
//The primary purpose of the OnLeavingRecord event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions
// or modifications that need to occur when the focus is leaving a record. This can include tasks such as validating
// the record's data, performing calculations or updates based on the record's values, or any other behavior that should be
//triggered before moving to another record.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::LeavingRecord)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnLeavingRecord(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
if (purchparmtable.PurchName =="")
warning("purch name should be enetered");
// The OnLeftRecord event handler at the datasource level is used to perform actions or operations
// after the focus has moved away from a record within a datasource. It is triggered after the focus has left
// the current record, allowing you to perform any necessary calculations, updates, or other actions related to the record
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::LeftRecord)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnLeftRecord(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
select forupdate TableName
where TableName.fieldname == purchparmtable.fieldname;
TableName.fieldname == purchparmtable.fieldname;
//The primary purpose of the OnMarkChanged event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific
// actions or modifications that need to occur when a field's value has been changed. This can include
// tasks such as performing calculations, updating related fields or records, or any other behavior that
// should be triggered when a field is marked as changed.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::MarkChanged)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnMarkChanged(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
//The OnPostLinkActive event handler is called when a link is activated on a form data source.
// It is used to perform some action after the link has been activated. The event handler is defined in the FormDataSource class
// and can be overridden in a subclass. The event handler has the following
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::PostLinkActive)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnPostLinkActive(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
//The primary purpose of the OnQueryExecuted event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions or modifications
// that need to occur after a query has been executed. This can include tasks such as manipulating the result set,
// performing calculations or aggregations on the retrieved data, or any other behavior that should be triggered after the query execution.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::QueryExecuted)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnQueryExecuted(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
sender.query().dataSourceName(sender.name()).addRange(fieldnum(purchparmtable, purchname)).value("");
//The primary purpose of the OnQueryExecuting event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions
// or modifications that need to occur before a query is executed. This can include tasks such as modifying the query,
// applying filters, or any other behavior that should be triggered before the query is sent to the data source.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::QueryExecuted)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnQueryExecuting(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
sender.query().dataSourceName(sender.name()).addRange(fieldnum(purchparmtable, purchname)).value("");
//The primary purpose of the OnRefreshed event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions or modifications
//that need to occur after the datasource has been refreshed and all data-related events have been processed.
// This can include tasks such as updating dependent controls or calculations based on the refreshed data,
// or any other behavior that should be triggered after the data has been refreshed and all data-related events have been handled.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Refreshed)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnRefreshed(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource formdatasource = sender; // current form datasource.
FormRun formrun = formdatasource.formRun(); // current fromrun.
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = formdatasource.cursor(); // active record.
controlname mycontrol = formrun.design().controlName('');
if (purchparmtable)
//The primary purpose of the OnReread event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions
// or modifications that need to occur after the datasource has been reloaded with the same set of data.
// This can include tasks such as refreshing dependent controls, recalculating values, or any other behavior
// that should be triggered after the data has been reloaded.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Reread)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnReread(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
//The primary purpose of the OnSelectionChanged event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions
// or modifications that need to occur when the selection of records in the datasource is changed.
//This can include tasks such as updating dependent controls, recalculating values, or any other behavior
// that should be triggered when the user changes the selected records.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::SelectionChanged)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnSelectionChanged(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::ValidatedDelete)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnValidatedDelete(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
23. OnValidatedWrite
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::ValidatedWrite)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnValidatedWrite(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
//The primary purpose of the OnWriting event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions
// or modifications that need to occur before a write operation is performed on the datasource. This can include tasks
// such as validating the data, applying business rules, modifying field values, or any other behavior that should be
//triggered before the write operation takes place.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Writing)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnWriting(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormDataSource CaseDetailBase_ds = sender.formRun().datasource(formDataSourceStr(purcheditlines,purchParmTable));
//The primary purpose of the OnWritten event handler at the datasource level is to handle specific actions
//or modifications that need to occur after a write operation has been performed on the datasource.
//This can include tasks such as refreshing dependent controls, updating related data, triggering notifications,
//or any other behavior that should be triggered after the write operation has completed.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Written)]
public static void PurchParmTable_OnWritten(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
formrun formrun = sender.formRun();
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = sender.cursor();
//Write your code
[FormDataFieldEventHandler(formDataFieldStr(PurchEditLines, PurchParmTable, BankLCImportLine), FormDataFieldEventType::Modified)]
public static void BankLCImportLine_OnModified(FormDataObject sender, FormDataFieldEventArgs e)
FormDataSource purchparmtable_ds = sender.datasource(); // datasource.
PurchParmTable purchparmtable = purchparmtable_ds.cursor(); // active record.
if (purchparmtable.PurchId)
purchparmtable.PurchName = "";
Keep learning!!